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About Us

Meet Ignite Founders’ founders. Andre A. Yap I’ve shared a lot of me in these pages. Many of them I write as notes to self, and they function as such: beacons and reminders of conversations with my God; I go back to them […]

Andre Yap March 10, 2017

Ignite, Kobe

It was Kahlil who shattered my Monday morning zen from NYC. I got his message in Manila just before 5am, as I was unpacking my energies to start another action-packed week. Noooo. Nooooooo. Barely an hour later I was first in the gym, opened Moro as […]

Andre Yap February 2, 2020

Rest Well, Clay

2008, Papa and I were sitting knee to knee to knee with Prof Christensen, the 3 of us in his Harvard office chatting Schumpeter, bringing Disruptor’s Dilemma to Manila, and being a good human being. The man lingered on me, I could not get over how big he was – in his 6 foot 8 […]

Andre Yap January 25, 2020
Ignite NewCo

Ignite NewCo

NewCo is a 3-stack platform for delivering one-stop solutions directly to home and office managers. Our mission is to delight millions of uber busy and over stressed urban professionals by raising home and office management to a whole new level of experience they will come to love and rely on daily. Like a trusted BFF.  […]

Ignite Zennya

Ignite Zennya

Healthier living through better care Personalized health and wellness care combining world-class service providers with advanced technology to deliver uncompromising in-home care. Our mission is to deliver quality, affordable, accessible health and wellness care. Take control of your health by choosing services to match your care need through a beautifully designed mobile […]

Ignite MyKuya

Ignite MyKuya

MYKUYA is a technology platform that provides on-demand help to service-seeking Consumers and Enterprises by matching them with trained and capable Partners. With both Consumer and Enterprise Solutions, our Kuyas and Ates are available to happily assist with a variety of daily errands, making your day-to-day life easier and more efficient. […]

Ignite PowerSource

Ignite PowerSource

PowerSource provides customized power supply solutions for industrial plants and distribution utilities, both for distributed applications and on-grid supply. PowerSource also provides electricity generation and distribution services to off-grid communities. PSPI is the first Qualified Third Party (“QTP”) license holder under the Philippines Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA), […]

Ignite HOMe

Ignite HOMe

HOMe has been proven and tested as a viable and effective clinical practice for almost a decade. And the wait is officially over! The world can now register for the Academy and join the rapidly growing community of Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe) and Health Optimization Practitioners (HOPe) who are changing the paradigm of health. […]

Ignite Paraiso

Ignite Paraiso

Part of our Ignite Wealth platform: to end the poverty of our Filipino poor by ending the poverty of our Filipino rich. In partnership with Tony Meloto (Skoll, Schwab, Ernst & Young, and Magsaysay Awardee), one of the great Filipino innovators of all time, who has scaled 2 social ventures to reach […]

Ignite Womensphere

Ignite Womensphere

A global platform dedicated to empowering women and girls to create the future, and accelerating equality and sustainability. Womensphere’s multi-platform offering includes summits, festivals, an innovation lab, and launching in 2019, digital media. Womensphere also has a non-profit foundation offering mentoring and democratized training in leadership, innovation, ventures, and sustainability.  […]

Ignite Global Academy

Ignite Global Academy

A class all its own, a vision of education and access, a brave new world of growth and opportunities in culinary and hospitality. We’re just getting started. Click here to see how we started and grew Global and where we’re taking it […]


You’re invited to one of Manila’s most curated gatherings.  Find out why it has spawned PHP100MM in collaborations in the last 12 months alone. And why you, why now.   […]


You are not here by accident.  We’ve searched Manila far and wide and have reason to believe you are one of us. Here’s one way to find out. [PLEASE UPDATE COLLAGE USING PHOTOS THAT SHOW A) A BIGGER EXPANSE OF ATTENDEES […]


You’re invited to one of Manila’s most curated gatherings. Find out why. IGNITE xCHANGE II The Wicked Labs Series MEGA MANILA 2020: THE FUTURE OF LEARNING, WORK, AND MAXIMIZING HUMAN POTENTIAL […]


You’re invited to one of Manila’s most curated gatherings. Find out why. IGNITE xCHANGE I The Wicked Labs Series RADICAL INNOVATIONS WE CAN PURUSE TODAY TO VASTLY RE-IMAGINE MANILA’S HOME DWELLING […]

Losers, Winners

What a sublime contrast in today’s readings. How awesome David is. His star is on the rise, and he has the golden chance now to slay his arch-nemesis, the King Saul who is raving mad with jealousy and wants to murder the hero David who is about to become king in Saul’s […]

Andre Yap January 19, 2018

Pagsi Again

For those who stayed for yesterday’s Ignite Fireside, one of the things I shared was how my Jesuit director told me, I suppose with a little exasperation from all my Type A life: “Andre, ask for the grace to see Him as He so tenderly sees you”. Mushy advise for this macho […]

Andre Yap January 11, 2018

IGNITE 21 | Feb 2018


IGNITE CIRCLE 6 | Feb 2018

You are not here by accident.  Someone saw something in you. We’ve searched Manila far and wide and have reason to believe you are one of us. Here’s one way to find out. IGNITE CIRCLE VI […]

Cape Town TYs

Cape Town, Day 10, South Africa. It is the morning of New Year’s eve, last day of 2017. Renee and I wake late and get into a different kind of breakfast in bed. Me: So, hon, what is your wish for 2018? Renee (thinking)… Me: On […]

Andre Yap January 2, 2018

Cape of Good Hope

There is something writ large here – ’tis in the stars, too brilliant to ignore, too beautiful to deny. On the last day of 2017 we reached the Cape of Good Hope (Southern-most Africa) on the same year we reached Finistere (Western-most Europe) on the eve of my birthday. […]

Andre Yap December 31, 2017

Widow’s Mite

Not a parable. It happened, Jesus saw it, and he invites us now to see the depths of our own widow’s mite. He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. He said, “Truly I tell […]

Andre Yap November 27, 2017


It’s Trump, you say, or Duterte, or Kim, or religious extremism, or – I don’t think so. I think it is simpler. The problem is you and I. “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have (accumulated) to whom will they belong? So it will be […]

Andre Yap October 23, 2017

Wash, 96

Say a prayer for Wash SyCip. By far the greatest Filipino I have personally met. We sat down 2x this year, one on one. He gave me 90 minutes of his time last Holy Wednesday, allowing me to speak for 45 minutes uninterrupted (which terrified me). Then he responded with the sort of wisdom that […]

Andre Yap October 12, 2017

Buen Camino!

It happened on the eve of my 45th birthday.   This was the moment my Camino crossed from epic to sublime – in that dark corner, by myself, in 20 stolen minutes before our final rendezvous, before we had to say goodbye to our pilgrim’s […]

Andre Yap September 30, 2017

Alone At Last

So on the 5th day, somewhere on KM 75, I could finally walk my Camino alone. A glorious, solitary stretch of 7 or so kilometers that was like coming home: a reminder how singularly important solitude is to me, everyday to be alone and zero out the noise and haste and just be with me. […]

Andre Yap September 26, 2017

Santiago Can Wait

Day 4. We’ve breached Km 65. The rains came, and the killer hills soon after. It’s neither as difficult nor as easy as they say. Except the Estrella Galicia; it’s always the same ice cold good at the end of each day’s walk. Walking this much, some things become undeniably clear. Like […]

Andre Yap September 24, 2017

Holding Hands

By now we have walked 50 kms in 3 days, avoided rain, heat, blisters or any encounter with the proverbial wall. I have walked every one of these steps in love, many with Renee’s hand in mine and Cyril’s voice – his poetry and song, his rap and banter and endless stories, his joy and […]

Andre Yap September 23, 2017

Child’s Advise

What will you find on the way to Santiago? Today wisdom from a 9 year old, the youngest pelegrino (pilgrim) we’ve seen by far. Overheard somewhere on Km 20 of the Spanish Camino, when a charming new friend asked what advise he would give to adults. […]

Andre Yap September 22, 2017

IGNITE CIRCLE 5 | Oct 2017

  It’s our great pleasure to invite you to IGNITE CIRCLE V BOLDLY, WHERE NONE HAVE GONE BEFORE […]

Ignite Circle 4 | Sep 2017

  It’s our great pleasure to invite you to IGNITE CIRCLE 4 […]

What Is Your Sword?

What is your sword? Knight, nobleman and soldier that he was, his sword represented all that was good and dear to Iñigo of the Basque family of Loyola in the 1500s. The sword was his past, present and all the future ever held. And that […]

Andre Yap July 31, 2017

Founders Circle 3 | August 2017

It’s our great pleasure to invite you to FOUNDERS CIRCLE 3 August 2017 Discernment: HERO’S JOURNEY: AM I CALLED TO BE A […]

King of Pain

Another whisper. It’s only gotten louder since I first heard it maybe December of last year, until nowadays it is a daily talk point. That our gifts bear our life’s mission; and that our gifts include, as much as our talents and joys, our pains. And today, I had […]

Andre Yap July 7, 2017


Is this the focal point and organizing principle of every founder’s journey? The Discerment of Gifts?  Today’s reading was Abraham willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. A man willing to give back the greatest gift given him, and in so doing he realized, far beyond his wildest imagination and […]

Andre Yap July 6, 2017


This is why I started Ignite Founders. To find these 9 points Jessica articulates that almost fully capture (with one key ommission) the difference between what I want to invest my life on and what I don’t. I have zero interest in entrepreneurs; I want founders. And this is […]

Andre Yap July 6, 2017


Your gift is your melody. It is yours alone and the world longs to be filled by it. Few of us can sing or write music. But all of us know the power of song and can appreciate this truth about them: The melodies that fill our hearts and lift our […]

Andre Yap June 22, 2017


Reflections on Slavery Ca. 2017: The Maddening Cruelty and Missed Opportunities of an Indifferent Life. Indifference ends when we get to know that slice of humanity whose pain we are particularly gifted to solve. This is my slice. Exactly 5 Saturdays ago, a scant 24 hours […]

Andre Yap June 13, 2017

Love Letter 2017

Celebrating 20 years of growth, grace, madness, forgiveness, togetherness. And today, incredibly, we have the same gospel that once upon a time graced our wedding. Remember how it had us at hello? A most beautiful encounter with grace told some 2017 years ago that somehow perfectly foretold the folly […]

Andre Yap April 22, 2017

Founders Circle 2 | May 2017

It’s our great pleasure to invite you to FOUNDERS CIRCLE 2 May 2017 Discernment: IN SEARCH OF THE FILIPINO UNICORN – OR […]

Andre Yap April 11, 2017

Founders Circle 1

07.04.2017 A good friend of mine once asked me how heavy a polar bear weighs and with my inability to answer, she responded by saying that it’s heavy enough to break the ice and then pretended to introduce herself to me. I find that a number of workshops and […]

Audrey Arayata April 7, 2017


20.03.2017 According to Wikipedia, “the unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead.” I encountered the unicorn during my childhood. I remember collecting stickers and swapping a number of small stickers with a friend for one colorful unicorn sticker. It […]

Audrey Arayata March 20, 2017

Rev First

20.03.2017. Bravo, Allan Tear and Betaspring! Startups need to get more serious, less sexy. The Rise of Revenue First Startups by Allan Tear. Original published here.  […]

Andre Yap March 20, 2017


20.03.2017 I must never be so busy that I don’t have time and space – really it’s about Space – to be, and to have in my heart, radiating from my every smile, the nearness of […]

Andre Yap March 20, 2017

Help You Help Us

15.03.2017 I came to serve, not to be served. These were the last and only lines I heard from today’s Gospel. Somebody tell me where I can find the emoticon for embarassing. I was very distracted, my mind still swimming in […]

Andre Yap March 15, 2017

Lost and Found

15.03.2017 People say the grass is greener on the other side, but you never really know where the other side exactly is until you realize that wherever you currently are is not where you want to be. I found myself longing for the other side when I felt that […]

Audrey Arayata March 15, 2017

Founders Circle 1 | April 2017

Four hours of our 01 April 2017 Founders Circle summed up in two words: Or a song. To remind us how mission and purpose feel when “it fits”. https://youtu.be/Xx_NQMLMbYE Thanks to all the founders, investors and kindred spirits who joined us. Following is a photo essay of Founders […]

Joyful Mysteries

07.03.2017. Lent is a joyful season. I sat up when Fr. Mario Francisco opened his Ash Wednesday homily with these words. Speaking of joy, yesterday, I had an epiphany about the Joyful Mysteries – what, after 45 years! It’s how we accept and embrace the Joy. The Annunciation.  […]

Andre Yap March 7, 2017


25.02.2017 A founder’s burden. Well, there are many. But here are two that weigh heavily on a daily basis: Finding the right path. Are we on the right path? Because I’m anxious we aren’t. And Measures of success. Are we progressing as we […]

Andre Yap February 25, 2017


24.02.2017 Sun and moon and earth and wind and rain – all the world’s contained in every grain. Is there anything you can plant or create or build or invent or startup or innovate – whose grain was not freely given you? […]

Andre Yap February 25, 2017


22.02.2017 Either we are for peace or we are against it, and I wonder: how many of us are really for Peace, no matter what our Facebooks say. If we really want peace, we have to eradicate the easy definition that it is the absence of hate or violence. We will never […]

Andre Yap February 24, 2017


Welcome to a place for and by founders. Our mission is to startup, scale and sustain transcendent ventures, and do it again and again. By transcendent ventures, we mean businesses, products, services, solutions, projects, movements, or any mix thereof, that share this common purpose:  To advance humanity’s capacity […]

Investment Focus

We build and invest in ventures most directly impacting humanity’s capacity for self-actualization. Education + Child Development; Health, Lifestyle + Wellbeing; Human Capital, Professional + Career Development; Livelihood, Entrepreneurship + Innovation; Media + […]

Founder Values

Ultimately, it is not the sector, but the commitment to mission and purpose that drive transcendent ventures. That’s why founders are so vital: they are the seekers and vanguards of transcendence. No matter how the business vision, model or strategy might iterate, evolve or pivot, founders will always go back to mission and purpose. We’re completely […]

You’re Invited

Meet our transcendent ventures. Explore our people, ecosystem and infrastructure, including our Founders Circle and Founders Lab through which world-class mentors, domain experts, shared services and capital partners support our founders. Get to know who we are and share our journey of discernment via stories, reflections and revelations that mark our daily efforts to […]


15.02.2017 I thought there was nothing to write today, which is ok. I walked out of the AHS chapel after another quiet morning of prayer, out onto the dancing acacias and beautiful sprawling greens of the Ateneo campus bathed in sun on this crisp Feb morning after valentines. I was already starting […]

Andre Yap February 15, 2017


13.02.2017 Happens every Monday. I wake up to this overwhelming rush of so many uphill climbs. I re-sort my week’s to-do list and I’m staring at 30-some items on an average week; every one of them is a legit uphill climb. I know I must complete them all, and while I pride […]

Andre Yap February 13, 2017


08.02.2017 I believe the universe is a constant flow of goodness happening through good people (God’s ongoing work of creation, if you will). When our good intentions meet with dead ends and difficulties, either of a few things are true, or maybe they all are: Our intentions may have […]

Andre Yap February 8, 2017


29.01.2017 Look who paid us a visit this morning. Acrylic on canvass don’t show them, but happy faces do. Two loaves and five fish and who would have thought it was enough to feed four thousand, the multitude made manifest in […]

Andre Yap January 29, 2017


29.01.2017 LALA Land is no big deal. But for all its contrived, formulaic plot and delicious acting, what makes this worth the popcorn and 130 minutes of my time is its lingering message and those 10ish minutes in the the narrative arc when all the drama was centered on its core dilemma: […]

Andre Yap January 29, 2017


02.01.2017 After 10 days of blessed debauchery all I wanted when we touched down this afternoon was some quiet time to start my first day of 2017 back home. But Gesu was closed so I walked over to the Jesuit Residence – and THERE, THERE! what a beautiful treat the Lord prepared! […]

Andre Yap January 2, 2017

New Year’s Day

01.01.2017 First, a reflection. On love, marriage, fatherhood, business and why I don’t believe in bad years, good years and universally celebrated myths like being your own man, blazing your own trail and other mumbo jumbos of self-deterministic success. Then, 5 very specific resolutions for 2017. 2016 marked 5 […]

Andre Yap January 1, 2017

Trojan Eagle

28.12.2016 TROJAN EAGLE. Ending the year at work on this rah rah note (on a bullet train, appropriately, with the super boss beside me). A few weeks ago, a favorite client partner confided in me – he is the CEO of a publicly listed company that’s […]

Andre Yap December 28, 2016


18.12.2016. IGNACIO.       Here is my Basque separatist friend (calm down, Nacho Rincón, it’s just an endearment), a few days before he leaves Manila for the old country. I asked him to take my sword and leave […]

Andre Yap December 18, 2016

One Big Fight

06.12.2016 …this time around, papa doesn’t even say hello. He gets right into it, sobbing heavily so that I could just barely make out what he was saying… Excerpted from A TRUE CONFESSION: OF ONE BIG FIGHT AND THE TEARS GROWN MEN CRY (Prologue: When Ateneo […]

Andre Yap December 6, 2016


05.12.2016 In Ignatian spirituality one of the most cherished paths to discernment that our Jesuit fathers taught us is to invite ourselves into the Gospels, and forgetting all dogma and orthodoxy, just place ourselves in that story’s presence in such a way that we go fully with the flow of what we […]

Andre Yap December 5, 2016

Do What You Do

08.11.2016 Finally! After a spiritual drought that’s felt like a purgatorial 2 or 3 weeks (can’t say for sure), a breakthrough as warm, bright and embracing as this Tuesday morning’s glorious sunshine! This gift was ushered in by my favorite Jesuit romantic, Fr. Bert Ampil – for which I […]

Andre Yap November 8, 2016

Tito Gigi

03.11.2016 Tito Gigi was Papa’s classmate, friend and business partner. Then he was mine – a co-founder, shareholder and colleague in the board. We didn’t always see eye to eye about direction, strategy or even what business we were in exactly, but you always treated me with respect; you called me partner […]

Andre Yap November 3, 2016

A Promise

06.10.2016 A message whispered directly right about the Consecration during Mass just now. Never have I heard or understood this Gospel as clear as now. And so simple. “Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened”. If we are […]

Andre Yap October 6, 2016

The Better Part

04.10.2016 May the force be with you. HERE is a powerful story – and what a clear lesson about where, how and from whom we draw the force that powers all our life. And how guilty I am of drawing from the opposite, as Martha. […]

Andre Yap October 4, 2016
Birthday Card

Birthday Card

25.09.2016 Birthday card came a week early from my CorpTV family. An office tradition I really look forward to when it comes my turn each year. Hand-crafted for every birthday boy and girl, celebrating each one’s individuality, each one’s journey and point-in-time. Ya never know where they’ll peg you each year… […]

Andre Yap September 25, 2016


31.07.2016 Happy Feast Day to my idol, mentor and soulmate; a soldier whose first endearment (when I was finally willing to accept it) was to teach me to always fight and never settle, even as his most enduring image, installed in the room of every adult male in my family, is of […]

Andre Yap July 31, 2016


19.06.2016 A Father’s Day Thought. Papa and I get a lot of great new photos every year but this is still the one that brings it home. Every man must have his Camelot. Especially a father and doubly so if you have […]

Andre Yap June 19, 2016


11.06.2016. I’ve lived a lifetime and a half spoiled by an 8 year old boy and his itinerant storytelling. His gypsy touch brings me to frontier times and spaces I’ve never been or don’t usually enter. Wherever he is, a universe unfolds in his head; sometimes he writes it out and we […]

Andre Yap June 11, 2016

To Be Led

29.05.2016 Work vs. Leisure. Work vs. Rest. Work vs. Family. These silos are artificial, man-made, unnatural: they are destructive. I am given but one life and I am given but one me. Why do I live in silos and parts? How do I break these chains? […]

Andre Yap May 29, 2016

Dare Mighty Things

16.05.2016. Always good to hang with one of my heroes. Teddy Roosevelt – statesman, adventurer, outdoorsman, author, conservationist, trust buster, visionary, warrior and priest – didn’t so much inspire as he reassured me that desiring, demanding and daring mighty things was neither crazy nor vain. […]

Andre Yap May 16, 2016

Election 2016

08.05.2016. I cannot accept this national death wish, this mass hysteria of self hate. If surveys are to be believed, millions of us seem to have taken to heart the parting lines of our national anthem: Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo. On the eve of our elections, and […]

Andre Yap May 8, 2016

Next President

30.04.2016 10 Points on how I arrived at my choice for President. First, a disclaimer. Unlike many spammers in Facebook I don’t have fortunes tied to one horse or another so much so that I have to shamelessly barrage my friends with black propaganda du jour both carefully and carelessly […]

Andre Yap April 30, 2016

Love Letter

21.04.2016. A different love letter. To my wife, on our anniversary. Written at dawn, on the shores of Tiberias, after all the hurt. 2,000 years ago. This story holds a special place in my heart, the most romantic passage in the bible […]

Andre Yap April 21, 2016

About Audrey

I was forged by fire – the fire of learning. The flame was first kindled during my years in Woodrose, an Opus Dei school. I was educated to believe that work was meant to be sanctified and that for work to become truly good, it must be done for God. I understood […]

About Andre

I’ve shared a lot of me in these pages. Many of them I write as notes to self, and they function as such: beacons and reminders of conversations with my God; I go back to them and they guide me and inspire me again and again. So then I also started writing them […]

Toy Estrera

08.02.2016. A legend, has gone to the stars. Only a year ago we celebrated your 90th. Thank you for everything, sir. Amicitiam spero sempiternam fore, AMDG. Sharing memories from our reunion a year ago. Toy celebrated his 90th birthday on Feb 11, the feast of our Lady of Lourdes. He […]

Andre Yap February 8, 2016

Rose Hill

16.01.2016. Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Juvabit. Someday we will remember all this with joy. – Book I, line 203, Vergil’s Aeneid. The words are etched on the grounds of Fordham’s Rose Hill campus in the Bronx. I graduated 20 years ago but never really left. Forever […]

Andre Yap January 16, 2016


09.01.2016 A beautiful mind. He drew as he always did from an infinite well of vision, imagination and an irresistible force within. All the live long day, from Lisboa to Fatima to Sintra to Cascais to Estoril, from Obidos to Nazare, from Porto to Coimbra to Aveiro and Costa Nova and all […]

Andre Yap January 9, 2016


15.09.2015 Siargao, Mindanao for a week-long leadership retreat, details of which I have been sworn to secrecy. These past five days I am again a little less of a foreigner in my own country. The more I see of our 7,100 islands, the clearer I am that the majesty of the Philippines […]

Andre Yap September 15, 2015


03.30.2015. He just helped you achieve what you’ve worked so hard and so long to achieve – except he has taken you much farther and given much fuller than you’d ever imagined. You were fishing all night on empty nets and yet at his word not only your nets but your boat […]

Andre Yap September 3, 2015

Wash Sycip

15.08.2015 At last, after all these years I met someone I can give my highest accolade to: that I would want to work for him. I am an incorrigible entrepreneur, so used to blazing my own path. If there is not a single bone in […]

Andre Yap August 15, 2015


03.08.2015 Profound, powerful contrasts in today’s 2 stories – in the first, a man who focused on what he didn’t have, saw the impossibility of his situation and preferred to die rather than serve; in the second, a man who focused on what he was given, no matter how seemingly little, overcame […]

Andre Yap August 3, 2015


11.07.2015 She is forever darling and eternal goddess of the industry. In beauty and carriage surely, but untouched when it comes to the esteem of peers, and equally of boards of directors at the rate she has CEO’ed one giant name after another. We had been meeting regularly the past 3 years […]

Andre Yap July 11, 2015


19.06.2015 Van Gogh is Bipolar, and so was he! Renee and I finally stumbled into this mythical place last night called Van Gogh Is Bipolar and had a legendary affair with founder Jethro Rafael, who walked out of a lifelong bipolar pathology by letting loose […]

Andre Yap June 19, 2015
Ignite CorporateTV

Ignite CorporateTV

Corporate Television is a mediatech platform that combines industrial-scale video production with popular TV and film formats on the content side, and cloud/mobile/social/game technologies on the distribution side.   MEDIA PLATFORM Corporate Television powers other mediatech ventures in our portfolio, including: CTV250, the world’s first operating system for managing Greatness; NMFG, […]

Ignite CTV250

Ignite CTV250

CTV250 is the world’s first Operating System (O/S) for Managing Greatness. We deliver cloud-, mobile-, social- and game-enabled content experiences to big organizations, keeping captive workforce and marketspace audiences inspired, empowered and accountable for Greatness 250 days a year (i.e., every work day). It’s easy to mistake us as just HR-tech, like it’s easy to mistake […]

Ignite NMFG

Ignite NMFG

The National Movement for Greatness (NMFG) will deliver 1.3 billion touchpoints for national greatness by reaching 100,000 Filipino professionals through the Philippines top 100 employers (PH100), using a digital platform consisting of 4,824 micro videos and gameified challenges to inspire an actionable vision of the “Great Filipino Professional”. PH TO ASEAN […]



We see a long-tail of text-heavy IP – books, seminars, research, white papers, dissertations, entire libraries of curricula, certificate, and degree programs at every level and branch of learning; from K-12 to PhD; from law, medicine and management, to history, psychology and self-help.   What happens when this long tail of […]



APPTIVY (renamed Digital Learning Pills or DLP) is a Madrid- and Manila-based edutech venture that develops video-rich mobile apps for applied learning. By combining industrial-scale video production with participative “always there” mobile technologies, DLP delivers the kind of learning that changes beliefs, attitudes and behavior essential for personal success. DLP targets the elusive, but very saleable (US$ 11B annual sales) […]

Ripple100 Agency

Ripple100 Agency

Designated a Connecticut Technology Council Company to Watch, Ripple100 integrates deep R&D and technology even in its agency offering, building Transmedia Story Worlds for select brands as alternative platforms for connecting with their most valued audiences in increasingly ad-resistant environments. First, Who is the brand’s audience? Know them, not just as consumers […]

Ripple100 Media

Ripple100 Media

Ripple100 Media Labs builds and invests in transmedia and storytelling capabilities, including cloud, mobile, social and game technologies, to offer organizations a powerful platform for engaging key audiences. Our Media Lab Transmedia Storyworld portfolio includes more than 20 transmedia properties in various stages of R&D and commercialization, including: Transmedia […]



SparkleLAB is many wonderful things to many different people; so much of a frontier space that it’s difficult to pin down in words, even for our founders. To us who fell in love with it at first sight, SparkleLAB is a co-working space for kids and adults alike who are interested in a collaborative environment […]

At East | Jed Root

At East | Jed Root

Our mission is to inspire Asian creative talent to take their rightful place on the global stage. Our partnership with Jed Root, Inc. the world’s leading creative agency allows us to pave the way for some of Asia’s most promising photographers, stylists, make-up artists, hair stylists and filmmakers to participate wherever the world’s best and brightest […]

Ibiza Beach Club

Ibiza Beach Club

The core idea for Ibiza Beach Club was to emulate the vibe of Eivissa – that you could have the best of both worlds in dining and entertainment. And why not? The Philippines already has some of the most stunning beaches and sunsets in the world; all one had to do was perfect the formula […]