Category Archives: Andre

Ignite, Kobe

It was Kahlil who shattered my Monday morning zen from NYC. I got his message in Manila just before 5am, as I was unpacking my energies to start another action-packed week. Noooo. Nooooooo. Barely an hour later I was first in the gym, opened Moro as […]

Andre Yap February 2, 2020

Rest Well, Clay

2008, Papa and I were sitting knee to knee to knee with Prof Christensen, the 3 of us in his Harvard office chatting Schumpeter, bringing Disruptor’s Dilemma to Manila, and being a good human being. The man lingered on me, I could not get over how big he was – in his 6 foot 8 […]

Andre Yap January 25, 2020

Losers, Winners

What a sublime contrast in today’s readings. How awesome David is. His star is on the rise, and he has the golden chance now to slay his arch-nemesis, the King Saul who is raving mad with jealousy and wants to murder the hero David who is about to become king in Saul’s […]

Andre Yap January 19, 2018

Pagsi Again

For those who stayed for yesterday’s Ignite Fireside, one of the things I shared was how my Jesuit director told me, I suppose with a little exasperation from all my Type A life: “Andre, ask for the grace to see Him as He so tenderly sees you”. Mushy advise for this macho […]

Andre Yap January 11, 2018

Cape Town TYs

Cape Town, Day 10, South Africa. It is the morning of New Year’s eve, last day of 2017. Renee and I wake late and get into a different kind of breakfast in bed. Me: So, hon, what is your wish for 2018? Renee (thinking)… Me: On […]

Andre Yap January 2, 2018

Cape of Good Hope

There is something writ large here – ’tis in the stars, too brilliant to ignore, too beautiful to deny. On the last day of 2017 we reached the Cape of Good Hope (Southern-most Africa) on the same year we reached Finistere (Western-most Europe) on the eve of my birthday. […]

Andre Yap December 31, 2017

Widow’s Mite

Not a parable. It happened, Jesus saw it, and he invites us now to see the depths of our own widow’s mite. He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. He said, “Truly I tell […]

Andre Yap November 27, 2017


It’s Trump, you say, or Duterte, or Kim, or religious extremism, or – I don’t think so. I think it is simpler. The problem is you and I. “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have (accumulated) to whom will they belong? So it will be […]

Andre Yap October 23, 2017

Wash, 96

Say a prayer for Wash SyCip. By far the greatest Filipino I have personally met. We sat down 2x this year, one on one. He gave me 90 minutes of his time last Holy Wednesday, allowing me to speak for 45 minutes uninterrupted (which terrified me). Then he responded with the sort of wisdom that […]

Andre Yap October 12, 2017

Buen Camino!

It happened on the eve of my 45th birthday.   This was the moment my Camino crossed from epic to sublime – in that dark corner, by myself, in 20 stolen minutes before our final rendezvous, before we had to say goodbye to our pilgrim’s […]

Andre Yap September 30, 2017

Alone At Last

So on the 5th day, somewhere on KM 75, I could finally walk my Camino alone. A glorious, solitary stretch of 7 or so kilometers that was like coming home: a reminder how singularly important solitude is to me, everyday to be alone and zero out the noise and haste and just be with me. […]

Andre Yap September 26, 2017

Santiago Can Wait

Day 4. We’ve breached Km 65. The rains came, and the killer hills soon after. It’s neither as difficult nor as easy as they say. Except the Estrella Galicia; it’s always the same ice cold good at the end of each day’s walk. Walking this much, some things become undeniably clear. Like […]

Andre Yap September 24, 2017

Holding Hands

By now we have walked 50 kms in 3 days, avoided rain, heat, blisters or any encounter with the proverbial wall. I have walked every one of these steps in love, many with Renee’s hand in mine and Cyril’s voice – his poetry and song, his rap and banter and endless stories, his joy and […]

Andre Yap September 23, 2017

Child’s Advise

What will you find on the way to Santiago? Today wisdom from a 9 year old, the youngest pelegrino (pilgrim) we’ve seen by far. Overheard somewhere on Km 20 of the Spanish Camino, when a charming new friend asked what advise he would give to adults. […]

Andre Yap September 22, 2017

What Is Your Sword?

What is your sword? Knight, nobleman and soldier that he was, his sword represented all that was good and dear to Iñigo of the Basque family of Loyola in the 1500s. The sword was his past, present and all the future ever held. And that […]

Andre Yap July 31, 2017

King of Pain

Another whisper. It’s only gotten louder since I first heard it maybe December of last year, until nowadays it is a daily talk point. That our gifts bear our life’s mission; and that our gifts include, as much as our talents and joys, our pains. And today, I had […]

Andre Yap July 7, 2017


Is this the focal point and organizing principle of every founder’s journey? The Discerment of Gifts?  Today’s reading was Abraham willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. A man willing to give back the greatest gift given him, and in so doing he realized, far beyond his wildest imagination and […]

Andre Yap July 6, 2017


This is why I started Ignite Founders. To find these 9 points Jessica articulates that almost fully capture (with one key ommission) the difference between what I want to invest my life on and what I don’t. I have zero interest in entrepreneurs; I want founders. And this is […]

Andre Yap July 6, 2017


Your gift is your melody. It is yours alone and the world longs to be filled by it. Few of us can sing or write music. But all of us know the power of song and can appreciate this truth about them: The melodies that fill our hearts and lift our […]

Andre Yap June 22, 2017


Reflections on Slavery Ca. 2017: The Maddening Cruelty and Missed Opportunities of an Indifferent Life. Indifference ends when we get to know that slice of humanity whose pain we are particularly gifted to solve. This is my slice. Exactly 5 Saturdays ago, a scant 24 hours […]

Andre Yap June 13, 2017

Love Letter 2017

Celebrating 20 years of growth, grace, madness, forgiveness, togetherness. And today, incredibly, we have the same gospel that once upon a time graced our wedding. Remember how it had us at hello? A most beautiful encounter with grace told some 2017 years ago that somehow perfectly foretold the folly […]

Andre Yap April 22, 2017

About Andre

I’ve shared a lot of me in these pages. Many of them I write as notes to self, and they function as such: beacons and reminders of conversations with my God; I go back to them and they guide me and inspire me again and again. So then I also started writing them […]