Category Archives: Transcend



Welcome to a place for and by founders. Our mission is to startup, scale and sustain transcendent ventures, and do it again and again. By transcendent ventures, we mean businesses, products, services, solutions, projects, movements, or any mix thereof, that share this common purpose:  To advance humanity’s capacity […]

Investment Focus

We build and invest in ventures most directly impacting humanity’s capacity for self-actualization. Education + Child Development; Health, Lifestyle + Wellbeing; Human Capital, Professional + Career Development; Livelihood, Entrepreneurship + Innovation; Media + […]

Founder Values

Ultimately, it is not the sector, but the commitment to mission and purpose that drive transcendent ventures. That’s why founders are so vital: they are the seekers and vanguards of transcendence. No matter how the business vision, model or strategy might iterate, evolve or pivot, founders will always go back to mission and purpose. We’re completely […]

You’re Invited

Meet our transcendent ventures. Explore our people, ecosystem and infrastructure, including our Founders Circle and Founders Lab through which world-class mentors, domain experts, shared services and capital partners support our founders. Get to know who we are and share our journey of discernment via stories, reflections and revelations that mark our daily efforts to […]